The British Psychology Olympiad
Note for all 2025 Olympiad entrants:
Results for Round 2 will be released imminently! All participants will be emailed.
In 2024, we announced the launch of a brand new competition, designed in collaboration with Aseeder - The British Psychology Olympiad. We are excited to have now released the 2025 competition (see dates/ details below).
The British Psychology Olympiad (BPO) is for secondary students in Year 9 to 12 across the globe. The challenge aims to provide a platform for students worldwide to engage in high level psychology discussions, ignite their interest in the field, develop research and critical thinking abilities, as well as showcase their research and writing skills. Aspiring psychologists will cultivate essential problem-solving abilities, broaden their horizons and have the opportunity to apply their knowledge in real-life scenarios.

British Psychology Olympiad FAQs
Who Can Enter the British Psychology Olympiad?
The British Psychology Olympiad is open to all secondary school students in the British Isles and internationally. The questions are aimed at students in Year 12 (penultimate school year, age 16-17), though we welcome ambitious younger entrants in Year 9 and above.
The Olympiad is intentionally designed to be challenging, presenting a rigorous test for participants. Students should view this as a valuable opportunity to enhance their critical thinking and problem-solving skills, while also assessing and applying their current knowledge of psychology in real-world scenarios.
What is the Format of the Olympiad?
Round 1 - Multiple Choice Question Selection Round (MCQ):
Rules: The Qualifier Round is a 1.5hr online test to be sat on Sunday 17th November 17th 2024. Students are required to complete 20 multiple-choice psychology questions within 90 minutes. Each correct answer earns 5 points, with a maximum total score of 100 points. The exam is conducted in English. This section will test students’ knowledge of fundamental concepts and theories in psychology. It will assess their ability to recall information and concepts spanning a range of approaches.
Eligibility: Year 9 - 12 students who are interested in psychology can participate.
Advancement Criteria: Students who score above the cut-off point set by the organising committee will qualify for the National Round (Approximately a 60% advancement rate).
Academic Support: Study resources will be provided free of charge to assist in preparation for the test (see below).
Round 2 (National Round) - Open Question Test:
Rules: Participants who pass the MCQ will be invited to join Round 2, the National Round. Participants will be tasked with an Open Question online test, which will be sat on Saturday 14th December 2024.
The Open Question Test is an online test of short-answer questions to be completed in a limited time (400 words max for each question). Students will be tasked with 4 questions to answer.
Advancement Criteria: The organising committee will conduct a selection process to choose the best responses from all participants. Those selected will be submitted to the Global Round Psychology Essay Challenge Round.
Round 3 (Global Round) - Psychology Essay Competition:
Successful participants will be invited to submit their essay response to the Minds Underground Psychology Essay Competition in Spring 2025 (deadline is 3rd March 2025 ). The 2025 essay competition titles are detailed below.
The Essay Competition (max 1500 words) offers an opportunity for students to showcase their analytical and critical thinking skills. Whether they choose to design an innovative study or unravel the mysteries of consciousness, these thought-provoking questions will test students’ analytical and creative prowess, inviting them to contribute to the ever-evolving landscape of psychological knowledge.
The questions can be found below. Students can begin preparing a response at any time.
Rules: All students must choose one of the three essay topics announced by the organising committee below to complete their writing. Essays must be written in English, with a word count of 1000-1500 words (excluding references), and must use the Harvard citation format.
Top three places for each category: Gold, Silver, and Bronze.
Excellence Awards for the top 60% of participants.
For students who do not want to enter the full Olympiad competition, you are welcome to submit an entry for just the Minds Underground Psychology Essay Competition (2025 questions to be released soon). Entrants must choose 1 question to answer.
Oxford Psychology Olympiad Prize Winners’ Camp
Students who excel in the National and Global Rounds will be invited to the United Kingdom to participate in a week-long Psychology Summer Camp held at the University of Oxford. More details to come!
Participants in the UK and International
£15 registration fee.
How to Enter
Participants from China
Participants from China should register via ASEEDER. This includes students from Mainland China, Hongkong (China), and Chinese Taipei.
2025 Psychology Essay Competition Questions
To what extent do social media platforms shape human behaviour?
Hint: Discuss psychological theories of social influence, identity formation, and the impact on mental health.
Can psychology fully explain consciousness?
Hint: Debate the strengths and limitations of psychological, neurological, and philosophical approaches to understanding consciousness.
Supporting British Psychology Olympiad Resources
To help participants study, the organising committee have provided participants with study materials for preparation. This means that even those without a background in Psychology, but with an interest in the subject, can engage with the Olympiad challenge through self-study. The British Psychology Olympiad Study Guide lists out key terms to review, how to study for the competition, information on research methods and suggested resources.
Minds Underground™ also offers a range of exciting opportunities for students aspiring to a degree in Psychology at a leading university:
Research Projects in exciting current fields with subject experts e.g. Neurodegenerative Disease and Normal Ageing Project with Dr Bampton (PhD in Neurodegenerative Disease)
Psychology Summer School for top UK university/ Oxbridge applicants
Long-term Oxbridge Psychology mentoring: Boosting knowledge beyond the curriculum, preparing for Psychology university applications etc. with Oxbridge Psychology graduates: https://www.u2tuition.com/oxbridge-mentoring
2024 British Psychology Olympiad Results (Global Round)
Vivianne Ni (UK)
Eshal Tanwir (Dubai)
Gauri Ranjith Nair (Bahrain)
Alisa Ganglani (Thailand)
Excellence Awards
Aalyan Mirza (Bahrain)
Alice Moore (UK)
Amelia Maczka (UK)
Amy Schoonhoven (UK)
Chakriya Jirasutthichoti (Thailand)
Diego Azpilicueta (UK)
Eric Ho (UK)
Hannah Taylor (UK)
Jaimee Li (UK)
Jemima Turner (UK)
Jyoti Sharma (UK)
Kalony Lin (UK)
Katya Barraclough (UK)
Lorcan Farrell (UK)
Lydia Compton-Burnett (UK)
Maya Ruwala (UK)
Millie Greenall (UK)
Nancy Ye (Singapore)
Sreya Das (UK)
Zac Coombe (UK)