Published Research Projects
Welcome to Minds Underground’s multidisciplinary project publication page. Our mission is to accelerate our younger generation’s involvement in cutting-edge research. Supervised by subject experts, students have been involved in projects ranging from exploring how to stimulate economic recovery in a post-COVID world, to researching and devising a geo-engineering study to help mitigate anthropogenic global warming, and questioning sentencing in the criminal justice system. Click on the relevant project image to view full project details.

Is Ageing a Disease - Neurodegeneration Project (Ani, Y10)

Cancer Genetics Project - (Isabel, Y12)

COVID Economic Recovery Project - (Kopal, Y13)

Moral Responsibilities Under Determinism - Philosophy Project (Ashwin)

Behavioural Economics Sustainability Project - (Peter, Y13)

Can Science Disprove Free Will - Philosophy Project (Martha)

The Neuroscientist Project - Philosophy Project (Younjin Kim)

Optogenetics Project - Neuroscience (Yvie, Y12)

Netflix and the Disruptive Innovation of Entertainment Project - (Divine, Age 14)

Stem Cell Project - (Ksenia)

Behavioural Economics Project - (Nicolas, Y12)

The Neurobiology of Depression Project (Sunainah)

Jet Zero Project - Decarbonising Air Travel (Marion)