Clubs & Courses
Debate, discuss cutting-edge scientific advancements, engage in coding projects, learn about the latest in law or business - our clubs and courses open your eyes to the immense possibilities available to you in degree subjects and future careers. Join our community of like-minded driven and imaginative students, who strive for academic excellence and collaborate with peers in a supportive learning environment that nurtures intellectual curiosity. Clubs run during school term times, with a few additional holiday courses.
The STEM Club (advanced science) champions exploration into cutting-edge scientific research and technologies. We aim to provide hands-on experience & specialist insight, to support both students U14 and senior students aspiring to STEM degrees at Top Tier Universities.
Medical Club
Critically discuss medicine journal articles and the latest in medical science and clinical research, gain exposure to concepts on the history of medicine and clinical trials, learn about the principles of medical ethics, analyse scientific data and medical imaging with our Oxbridge medics.
Law Club
The Law Club convenes weekly to discuss current debates surrounding law, giving you exposure to some key legal questions. If applying for Law in the future, you can use content for personal statements, and to prepare for admissions tests & interviews.
World Literature Club
This club is for intellectually inquisitive students & readers looking to stretch beyond the curriculum and develop analytical & critical discussion skills. Sessions are used as a launch pad for students to pursue their own interests & aim to widen reading repertoire.
Debate Club
Debate builds confidence in public speaking, analysis of arguments and strategic thinking. Hosted by top UK debate coaches, you will develop logic and critical thinking skills, learn how to reason and structure an argument, and convincingly deliver and justify your proposition.
Python Club
Learn Python with our Oxbridge programmers, Software Engineers and Machine Learning whizzes! We ensure class sizes are small to ensure each student has lots of individual attention. Classes are particularly suitable for beginner and intermediate learners.
Design Engineering Club
What will XYZ be like 10-20 years from now, and how can we find opportunities in the present so that we can reach that vision? Design Engineering spans numerous fields including mechanical engineering concepts, robotics, enterprise and programming. Gain an insight into the field & degree course with Imperial College Master’s in Design Engineers.
Psychology Club
Psychology covers a broad range of issues, ranging from perception to cognitive function to language. Students will learn a wide range of skills, including analysis of complex psychological, and social questions, the use and interpretation of data, scientific model building, as well as logical & creative thinking.
EconoMinds: Our Business & Economics Club
Are you a student with a passion for understanding the world of economics and business? Our Economics and Business Club is the perfect platform for young, ambitious minds to explore the exciting and dynamic realms of economics and business.