Law Essay Competition
The Minds Underground™ Law Essay Competition is aimed at students in Year 12 (though we welcome younger applicants and Year 13 university re-applicants). The competition provides students with an opportunity to engage in contemporary debate, attempt university-level research, hone their writing & argumentative skills and prepare for university interviews. Entrants must choose 1 question to answer.
Key Tips:
In theoretical discussions, there are not necessarily any right answers, but have an opinion and try to defend your opinion. When you begin to write legal essays, it is imperative that you can argue coherently, so if you do feel strongly about your point, do not be afraid to defend it.
At university Law interviews, the main thing your interviewer is looking for is your ability to justify your reasoning - do not get too worried about whether you have the right answer because, more often than not, there is no right or wrong answer.
It is also important to recognise and address the merit of the arguments against your view.
Submission Deadline: 3rd March 2025 (extended to 3rd April).
2025 Law Essay Competition Questions
Is the law adapting quickly enough to technological advancements such as AI and blockchain?
Hint: Explore the legal challenges posed by AI, cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, and data privacy issues.
To what extent should the law intervene in personal autonomy?
Hint: Discuss the balance between individual rights and societal interests in cases like euthanasia, drug use, and personal data control.
Should corporations be held criminally liable for environmental damage
Hint: Consider legal principles such as corporate responsibility, environmental justice, and international law.
Are you in Year 11/12 & Thinking of Pursuing Law at Degree Level/ Oxbridge?
We offer a range of exciting opportunities for students aspiring to a degree in Law at a leading university:
Research Projects in exciting current fields with subject experts
Weekly Law Club: An opportunity for students to gain exposure to key areas of law, discuss the latest legal developments and issues, under the tutelage of members of our Oxbridge-educated Law team
Law Summer School for university/ Oxbridge applicants
Long-term Oxbridge Law & LNAT mentoring: Boosting knowledge beyond the curriculum, preparing for personal statement, test and interviews - visit our on-curriculum site, U2 Tuition for more information: https://www.u2tuition.com/law-school-applications
Interested in a Law Competition Mentor? Looking for specialist support researching & writing? Our Oxbridge-educated masterminds are here to help! Sessions from £75/h + VAT. Enquire here
Past Questions
How would you reform the House of Lords?
Is justice a pre-condition of law?
What is the rule of law and how has it been breached in Hong Kong?
N.B. You may be interested in undertaking one of MU’s online law masterclasses with our Law experts to give you ideas and help direct your research. Check out the examples below!