Search through our array of mind-enhancing articles to boost your co-curricular knowledge. Explore the titles most relevant to you by searching by subject (e.g. Geography, Engineering, Medicine) or other keywords (e.g. University Application, Oxbridge, Careers, Work Experience) below.
Curious Minds Social Sciences Digest: Are Humans Separate From Nature?
Since the 18th century we have seen ourselves as separate from nature. But as human activity threatens the very climate system we need to survive, is it time to reconsider? In this Curious Minds digest, 1st Class Cambridge Human, Social and Political Sciences graduate, Keira, traces the development of the human-nature relationship from its encapsulation in Enlightenment thinking, to today’s warming world. This digest is particularly relevant to students thinking of Social Sciences degrees.
The World That Waits Beyond the School Walls: Connecting Subject Content with Real-World Applications for Top University Entry Success
It can be difficult to fully realise the functional significance of what you are studying. Yet, looking beyond the syllabus into the world that awaits post-school not only instills excitement and enthusiasm for the subjects you are learning, but is crucial when approaching entrance to top universities such as Oxbridge. The strongest students will show an awareness of the wider implications of their subject, make connections between topics, and be able to demonstrate their own knowledge and application of ideas. Find out how!