Age Categories:
Over 16.
Who is it for?
Any keen writers looking to indulge their creative imagination, penning a Short Story for Children or Young Adults (Submissions from 1st December 2021 to 1st March 2022) or Children’s Bedtime Story (Submissions from 10th May 2021 to 16th August 2021)
“Searchlight Writing for Children Awards is a new rolling competition for aspiring authors writing for children or young adults.
Our purpose is to shine a bright light on exceptional writing. We publish it, send it out into the world, champion it and act as a stepping stone for children’s authors to achieve their literary dreams.
We can’t wait to tell the world about you and your writing, so the top ten stories from each competition receive maximum recognition. They will:
Feature in The Winners’ Collection, which is sent to an extensive list of literary agents and publishers who have requested it, to help your writing get noticed.
Appear, alongside your biography, in our Winners’ Gallery on the Searchlight Awards’ website, which agents, publishers, friends and family can access.
Be published in our annual Searchlight Awards’ Anthology, which features the best entries from all our competitions in the last year.
And, to top it all, the First Prize winner for each competition receives a generous Cash Award.”